Bicon SHORT® Implants – Key Features and Benefits


Simplicity and Design Philosophy: The Bicon system is driven by simplicity, and a cornerstone of this simplicity is the SHORT® Implants. The design philosophy focuses on creating effective solutions using minimalistic yet efficient design elements.

Short Length Implants: When introduced in 1985, the 8.0mm length of Bicon implants was considered short compared to other implants which were typically longer (12-20mm). Over time, this design philosophy led to the creation of even shorter implants, with lengths of 5.0mm and 6.0mm.

Clinical Flexibility: The short length of Bicon SHORT® Implants offers flexibility in challenging clinical situations. Dentists can confidently avoid vital structures, reducing the need for grafting procedures. Shorter implants are shown to be more suitable in many clinical scenarios.

Maximizing Implant Placement Possibilities: The use of SHORT® Implants can maximize implant placement possibilities, especially in cases where patients have limited bone height. Longer implants might pose risks related to vital structures like the maxillary sinus and inferior alveolar nerve.

Patient Acceptance and Avoiding Grafting Procedures: Patients often avoid implant treatment due to the risks, costs, and time associated with bone grafting procedures. SHORT® Implants provide a simpler and more predictable alternative, potentially increasing patient acceptance.

Occlusal Force Transfer: The design of SHORT® Implants addresses the engineering challenge of effectively transferring occlusal forces from the prosthetic restoration to the surrounding bone. This is achieved through the integration of features such as a locking taper abutment-to-implant connection and a sub-crestally placed implant with specific geometric characteristics.

Healthy Peri-Implant Tissues: The integrated design features not only ensure proper force transfer but also promote healthy and aesthetically pleasing peri-implant tissues.

Edentulous Sites with Minimal Bone Height: Bicon SHORT® Implants offer a solution for placing implants in edentulous sites with limited bone height. This eliminates the need for costly and potentially risky bone grafting procedures, making implant treatment more accessible.

In summary, Bicon SHORT® Implants provide a clinically proven solution for implant treatment in situations with limited bone height. The design integrates multiple features to ensure effective force transfer, healthy tissues, and simplified treatment options for both clinicians and patients. The emphasis on simplicity and design effectiveness sets Bicon implants apart from traditional longer implants.

Bicon SHORT Implants Compatible

bicon short implants compatibility

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