What Is a Sinus Lift? A Solution for Insufficient Jaw Bone for Dental Implants

What Is a Sinus Lift?
Sinus lift surgery is a treatment approach your dentist may recommend when you desire dental implants but don’t have enough jaw bone to secure the implant. Other names for this procedure include sinus augmentation or sinus graft.

Why it’s done
A sinus lift refers to the augmentation or lifting up of the maxillary sinus to make more room for new bone. By lifting the sinus and grafting bone in between, there’s more bone for a doctor to place a dental implant. If you don’t have enough upper jaw bone, the implant can’t properly anchor, and your new dental implant can’t perform some more demanding tasks, such as chewing. Without enough bone, the dental implant won’t properly secure and can fail. Doctors will recommend sinus lift surgery if they determine you have less than 4 to 6 millimeters of bone height in the back portion of your jaw.

Oral or intravenous sedatives, or Numb the area with local anesthetic.
Identify and make incisions into the back portion of your gum tissue and expose the bone.
Cut a small area of the bone, taking care to avoid the sinus membranes.
Lift the cut portion of bone up into the sinus cavity, raising the membrane.
Apply bone graft materials in the newly lifted area. .
Apply sutures to close the incisions in your gums.

Some of the most common side effects after a sinus lift are swelling and bleeding. This discomfort doesn’t usually extend beyond a few days. The most common complication concern for sinus lift surgery is the perforation of the Schneiderian membrane.

The procedure costs may range from $1,500 to $5,000. Your doctor should review the expected fees with you prior to the procedure. If you have dental insurance, your insurance may pay for a portion of the procedure. Some people also choose financing options, such as payment plans with their dentist or financing through a medical financing company, to pay for the procedure.

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